GEM Helps You Navigate Affordable Housing Tax Credits

California Affordable Housing Tax Credit 2022

Each year, the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) oversees the federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program funding. With the start date of the 2022 application process quickly approaching, the team at Gilleran Energy Management (GEM) is ready to help you evaluate how this tax credit can benefit your new project.

March 8 – First competitive application funding round deadline.
July 1 – Second competitive application funding round deadline

Comprehensive Tax Credit Support for Affordable Housing Projects

2020 and 2021 brought significant changes to the way new competitive tax credit programs are scored. Fortunately, GEM has kept abreast of all the requirements for both rehab and new construction to help you determine the best options for your project as you move forward in the planning process. In addition to providing Minimum Construction Standards support, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to help make state and federal funding more attainable:

  • Project Management to help your design and construction teams manage the implementation and field verification for green and energy program features
  • Energy consulting
  • Energy audits and modeling
  • Building and energy systems consulting
  • Net Zero Energy program development
  • Solar site feasibility review, and PV system sizing and Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) incentive auditing
  • Tenant Utility Allowance reporting (CUAC)
  • Energy and Green building charrettes
  • Building performance testing: Title-24, CALGreen, BPI CAS, HERS
  • EPA Energy Star, IndoorAirPLUS, and Water Sense certifications (field testing and verification)
  • Green building certification programs
  • LEED for Homes
  • GreenPoint Rated
  • Enterprise Green Communities
  • National Green Building Standard
  • Funding Support
  • Affordable housing program
  • HUD Green MIP Reduction program

Receive Expert Support for Your Affordable Housing Project

With over 10 years of working with developers, owners, and their design and construction teams, we have in-depth knowledge of how to meet your project’s energy and sustainability goals. Our services are always tailored to the unique needs of your project to ensure that no funding, energy efficiency, or sustainability opportunities are overlooked. Additionally, GEM works closely with your team to minimize costs associated with construction, operations, and ongoing maintenance.

For more information on how we can assist you with tax credit funding for your affordable housing project, please contact Gilleran Energy Management at (707) 528-7318 for a complimentary consultation.